Helen's Demos



Helen's art performances always attract large crowds. Her natural talents at teaching and art-making stir the imagination and awaken the creative spirit in the young and old alike. Her art brings joy to everyone's lives.


Countless museums, Fortune 500 companies, public schools, libraries, festivals, and communities have invited Helen to perform at their events year after year.

Helen performed at The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Demo at Metropolitan Museum 1
Demo at Metropolitan Museum 2

Helen performed at the annual Dragon Boat Festival at South Port, New York


Demo at Dragon Boat Festival

Helen performed at a local elementary school


Demo at elementary school

Helen performed at New York University


Demo at NYU

Helen performed at a Fortune 500 company's Christmas party


Demo at Christmas Party

Helen performed at a Chinese school workshop


Demo at Chinese school

Helen performed at a American Craft Museum
April 1, 2000


Demo at American Craft Museum
Demo at American Craft Museum

Helen performed at Elmhurst Public Library February 8, 1997


Demo at Elmhurst Hospital

Helen performed at Elmhurst Hospital Center May 9, 1997


Demo at Elmhurst Hospital

Helen performed at Briarwood Public Library October 26, 1996


Demo at Briarwood Library

Helen performed at Hammond Museum, New York June 21, 1996


Demo at Hammond Museum
Demo at Hammond Museum

Helen performed at Long Island Chinese Fastival
New YorkJune 9, 1996


Demo at Long Island Chinese Fastival