趙蘭芬女士在美國教中文和美勞二十餘年. 她把中國和西方民間藝術的製作技巧和趣味結合起來, 簡化之後傳授給海外的兒童, 非常受歡迎. 她的美勞課永遠是擠得滿滿興高采烈的小朋友, 甚至別班的小朋友也跑來參加. 許多老師和家長們也都要求她開課跟她學習. 此外, 她也受紐約皇后區圖書館的邀請, 教成人美勞. 另外許多知名的美術館都請她去示範.
這本精美的海外美勞教學範本, 收集了二十篇趙蘭芬女士最受歡迎的作品. 其中包括剪紙、摺紙、撕紙、中國結、壓花、樹葉女人、紙娃娃等. 作品有彩色圖片、材料說明、及製作說明, 還附有十一頁樣本, 馬上就可使用. 內容豐富, 易作又有趣. 現在有了這本書, 你可以買來自學、教學生、教兒女、或讓兒女自學. 無論是在家、學校、夏令營、圖書館、機構、或是在社區活動都適用.
這本書有中文和英文二個版本, 可在網上訂購. http://www.artjoy.com/hellinartand.html
A reader from Cerritos, CA , August 8, 1999
Marvelous craft book! Must be seen to be believed!
I have never encountered a craft book that comprises as many original and inventive art projects as this one. Who knew that a handful of popcorn and twigs could be turned into a lovely plum blossom branch? And 3-D paper dolls?! The vast array of things that can be created with paper alone is the marvelous secret of this book. Helen Lin's Folk Arts and Crafts awakens the imagination of the reader like a pungent scent and weaves an endless permutation of new ideas. Best of all, this arts and crafts book teaches resourcefulness. Ordinary household items can be transformed into beautiful works of art worthy of giving. I have already found an economical way to make presents for my friends. Have you?
A reader from New York, NY; USA , August 6, 1999
Not just for arts and crafts lovers.....
There is nothing quite like Helen Lin's "Folk Arts & Crafts". Her book is an interesting, but unique cocktail of Eastern and Western art -- part folk art, part arts and crafts. Don't be intimidated by the photos of the projects -- many are easy to make, with materials that are readily available around the home or school. This book is a must-have for anyone who enjoys or wants to learn arts and crafts.
A reader from U.S.A , July 25, 1999
very graphical oriented. Nice outlines
This book is a good introduction to chinese arts and crafts as well as an in depth overview of the more complex designs. I have 2 kids and they're in love with paper cutting and coming up with designs in the book or on their own. I like it because it stimulates creativity :) thanks Helen for writing such a great book!